Chat GPT

Now that writing has become nearly obsolete, to labor at is akin to rubbing two sticks together to start a fire. This week alone, three individuals have confided in me that they have submitted long pieces of professional works by simply typing some prompts into Chat GPT, as is. One woman even admitted to getting a raise from this piece of writing- though implored that we keep this to ourselves for fear that she “didn’t want to get fired”. Another friend confided in me to using Chat GPT for his travel writing job. He walked into the digital abyss with arms open and said “make me obsolete, digital daddy.”

At the rate that these technologies are advancing, perhaps those futurist alarmists were correct in predicting the singularity and perhaps it’s coming sooner than even they predicted. Is making a 5 year plan like putting all your jewels in the safe on the Titanic to take to New York? I can’t help but feel like a Money Pig, and like I do everything wrong anyway- in Capitalism. Is Passion passed?

Back in the Bae

I made it full circle from whence I cum, in the Bae area. Found my people and my peace, as much as that’s a thing in a post-covid, borderline feudalist society that only gives rights to the wealthy and treats everyone else like either cogs or criminals. My heart is opening though, and that matters- even if nothing else does. Who knew it would take a pandemic to finally push me over into complete atheist nihilism? Here I am in this empty room, but space is still vast, my friends are still funny- and the rave is ON. I may fall, I may fail. I may do both in quick succession like the beats in Berghain at 4am, but at least i’m dancing. And there are those who have been taking a chance with me, and I appreciate that. In the meantime, I’ll maintain a trajectory of growth. The latest development in this creative story is I bought an ipad and have been learning design programs and taking on more design projects. Typography is my next push- it makes sense to incorporate that into my works. For one who talks so much, you’d think i’d have more to say.

Tie dye the apocalypse

First blog post in the New World. For being a Millenial raised in the age of information, i still am awkward while manipulating the ai to do my algorithmic bidding. I would make a ridiculous overlord or mastermind. I’d rather just move into a hobbit hole in a glen with a studio attachment, equipped with ample table space and an industrial sink. Every night I make dinner with my friends and we revel in togetherness before dropping off & descending into cozy slumber. For now, I’ll just have to hop around, create art and hope for the best.

If 2020 has done anything, it’s been to completely restructure my life. I started out the year in love with a sweet man & starting my life over in Los Angeles - after 13 years in the Bay. I was optimistic and open to whatever the future may bring, tho obviously holding out for evolution. I want my money back from that wishing well.

In this 4th quarter of 2020, I’m now letting go of all structures and rules. My nihilism has become weaponized and the FUCKS GIVEN have dwindled to unprecedented lows. And I feel FANTASTIC, so that should tell me something. I’m tie-dying with my best friends in the bay after swimming and dancing with friends in the forest, and making clay wall hangings at another friend’s studio. I slept in an Oceanside Mendocino magical mansion, once a brothel and meeting place, now a community sanctuary. I danced under a bridge to a sound system on wheels. This is who I am and this how I thrive. I talk to people and build ideas. I cannot exist in a vacuum, nor can I live in fear. It does not serve. Perhaps this is what we need, after all.


Beam me up

UFO ice dye


I Am Because of You at Smoking Nun Gallery

A Head dress is a badge of honor, a distinction of position.  In many cultures, tribes and countries, headpieces adorn those with higher social, economic and religious status.  They may even represent the possession of a higher sacred knowledge.  Masks are used to transform someone from mortal to something formidable, otherworldly or anonymous. 

I am interested in taking this idea of the head dress and the mask and using them as a metaphor of the invisible power we intrinsically behold.  We all possess different energetic ornament.  My challenge is to translate that essence into color and shape that will iterate between the work and the viewer.

This body of work is a reminder that we are one and the same.  We are parts of the same body. Life is a constant collaboration, whether we step into it willingly, or it is thrust upon us.  There is nothing that any one of us can create that is stronger and more powerful than what we create together.  All of our hands have a part in building this house, and it is in this house that we choose to live.  Collaboration is how we invent the world we want to see and manifest the world in which we want to live.  Every part of human society came from nothing, and if we do nothing there will be nothing in it for us.

It is for this reason that I chose collaboration in the presentation of this body of work.  The frames for the larger pieces were designed and fabricated by friends, housemates and colleagues (many being all of the above).  Time and energy were put into each one of these frames, despite the full schedules, simultaneous deadlines, and multiple projects that each artist was juggling.  The love was there, and as a result the frames all became a part of each piece.  They became stargates through which we we are all transported to the work, and the UV lights give us the illusion of witnessing a holographic universe.  This is our spaceship earth, and we are self-organizing stardust.  We are as powerful as we want to be.

Your humanity makes me human.



I Will Fight No More, Passage, Space Race with UV lights on

I Will Fight No More, Passage, Space Race with UV lights on

I Am Because of You at the Smoking Nun Gallery (Gallery Terroir)

I Am Because of You at the Smoking Nun Gallery (Gallery Terroir)

I Am Because of You at the Smoking Nun Gallery (Gallery Terroir) Oct. 2016

I Am Because of You at the Smoking Nun Gallery (Gallery Terroir) Oct. 2016

Viva Las Vegas under UV light

Viva Las Vegas under UV light